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You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > Gallery > LWI-dyed bamboo socks

LWI-dyed bamboo socks

dyed March 2008

lwi-dyed bamboo rayon socksThese are some bamboo rayon socks that I dyed with low water immersion using Remazol and Procion MX dyes. The socks on the left contain Remazol dye, mixtures of ProChem's liquid reactive mixing red, intense blue, and a little turquoise, while the socks on the right contain Procion type violet MX-2R, rubine MX-B (Grateful Dye's #14 Cherry), and orange MX-2R.

These are my favorite socks for dyeing at this time, the bamboo rayon socks that Dharma started selling in 2007. They are standard in size, not tight and uncomfortable like some mercerized sock blanks. They are much less expensive than my former favorites, Maggie's organic cotton socks which dyed very well but not as brightly), and they dye much more beautifully than other sock blanks that contain some synthetic fiber. The undyed spandex shows up only in some very dark navy socks I also dyed (not shown), and then only a little, in the tops, when they are fully stretched. It does not show at all on the socks in the picture. The rayon has a slight sheen. I don't know how well they will wear, but if they were to last a third as long as Maggie's socks they would end up being comparably priced, and I expect that they will wear better than that.

(Click on the image to see a larger version of the photo.)

For more information on dyeing bamboo, see How to Dye Rayon.


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All of the pages on this site are copyright ©1998-2024 Paula E. Burch, Ph.D.
Page created: June 11, 2008
Last updated: June 11, 2008
Downloaded at: Saturday, July 27, 2024

Much of the material on this page originally appeared in postings on the Dye Forum on March 24, 2008.