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You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > Gallery > Example 5

Tie dyeing: elongated-spiral blue & purple toddler's romper

dyed June 1998 another detail of Peter in romper

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How I did it

This was done just as in the previous design, the rainbow swirl t-shirt, except for using a more limited palette of colors: cerulean blue, deep purple, and a forest green made by mixing a bit of lemon yellow with cerulean blue.

Procion MX cerulean blue has been misunderstood by some to have the same chemical code as turquoise, but it's much bluer. This is not simply because it's more concentrated, as some dye catalogs imply, but because Procion blue MX-G (Colour Index reactive blue number 163) simply does not mean the same chemical as Procion turquoise MX-G (Colour Index reactive blue number 140). The code "MX-G" is meaningless except as a modifier for the color name that precedes it.

detail of Peter in romper yet another detail of Peter
in romper Cerulean blue is among the more expensive of the Procion MX dyes that are available in the US, but it's beautiful. It is a slightly greenish blue, as indicated by the "G" in the code "blue MX-G"; "G" stands for the German "Gelb", which means yellow, and so this is a slightly yellowish blue, just as blue MX-3R is a significantly more reddish blue ("R" standing for the German "Rot", which means red). It's not nearly as yellowish as a turquoise is, however!

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Page created: August 23, 1998.
Last updated: July 18, 2006
Downloaded: Friday, July 26, 2024