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You are here: Home > All About Hand Dyeing > FAQs > Procion Dyes FAQs > Discharging Reactive Dyes

Which Procion MX dyes discharge the best? Which are good at resisting chlorine bleach?

This is a gathering of notes found online regarding dischargeability of dichlorotriazine (Procion MX type) dyes, for the sake of comparison. See the links at the bottom for the sources from which these data were pulled. Do not miss Dharma’s Bleach Thickener for Discharging page, which includes tables of dyes that discharge well or moderately with hypochlorite bleach, including the sometimes surprising colors that result from bleaching many of their proprietary mixed colors.

The column at left gives the generic MX codes commonly used, and the Colour Index names for each of these reactive dyes. To translate these into the names used by your supplier, see the page,Which Procion MX colors are pure, and which mixtures?.

Hypochlorite bleach is ordinary household bleach, NaClO. It is an oxidative bleach which works by breaking up dye molecules. Sometimes the fragments of dyes possess a color of their own, resulting in interesting color changes.

Reductive discharge agents acts by producing sulfur dioxide in the fiber. They work by chemically reducing double bonds to single bonds. All reductive discharge agents are expected to have similar results to each other, which may be very different from those of oxidative bleaches. Reductive discharge agents include thiox, sodium hydrosulfite (Rit Color Remover), formusol, and Jacquard Discharge Paste, in addition to other formulations.

dichlorotriazine dye generic names



ICI hypochlorite
resistance (1-5)
Asian Dyes
Asian Dyes reductive discharge Orco notes summary
yellow MX-8G
C.I. r. yellow 86
low: discharges to light yellow Sun Yellow 108 discharges easily with bleach 2 1 Good   Good yellow for both bleach and reductive discharge
yellow MX-6G
CI r. yellow 1
n/a n/a        
yellow MX-4G
CI r. yellow 22
n/a Lemon Yellow 114 discharges easily with bleach 1 1 Good   Good yellow for discharge
yellow MX-GR
CI r. yellow 7
low: lighter golden yellow not
- 4 to 5 Poor Not
Looks like possibly the best yellow for resisting discharge. Reductive discharge darkens to orange.
yellow MX-3R(A)
CI r. orange 86
4 to 5 2 to 3 Poor  
Poor reductive discharge
orange MX-G
CI r. orange 1
n/a n/a -      
orange MX-2R
CI r. orange 4
4 3 Poor  
brown MX-GRN
CI r. brown 23
n/a not
- - -  
red MX-G
CI r. red 5
n/a n/a -     Discharge-
able for light shades
rubine MX-B
CI r. red 6
n/a n/a -      
red MX-5B
CI r. red 2
high: beige Mixing Red 305 discharges easily with bleach 1 1 Poor Discharge-
able for light shades
Others have noted as being good for reductive discharge
red MX-8B
CI r. red 11
low: light magenta not
- 4W*
Poor Discharge-
able for light shades
reductive discharge to yellow
Pink MX-B
CI r. red 74
n/a n/a - 2 Poor  
magenta MX-B
CI r. violet 13 (best guess)
n/a not
- 3 Poor to Fair  
violet MX-2R (violet MX-G)
CI r. violet 14
- 3 Poor  
blue MX-R
CI r. blue 4
3 to 4 2D* Poor Not
reductive discharges to tan
blue MX-G
CI r. blue 163
high: almost white not
1 - -   Looks like the best bleach- discharge-
able blue.
Poor reductive discharge.
navy MX-3R
CI r. blue 9
n/a n/a - - -  
blue MX-2G
CI r. blue 109
high: gray Mixing Blue 402c discharges easily with bleach - - -  
Very good reductive discharge
blue MX-4GD
CI r. blue 168
n/a not
- - -  
turquoise MX-G
CI r. blue 140
low: light turquoise not
- 1 Poor  
Poor reductive discharge

*The letters indicate the following changes in shade:
Br - brighter ; D - duller; S - stronger; W - weaker; R - redder; Bl - bluer ; Y - yellower; G - greener.

"n/a" indicates a dye not available from that supplier.



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Page created: April 26, 2007
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