How can I dye a pair of synthetic shiny fabric trainer shoes?

Name: Julie



Jacquard dye-na-flow fabric colors

Jacquard Dye-Na-Flow Fabric Colors

Dye-Na-Flow is a free-flowing transparent textile paint made to simulate dye. Great on any untreated natural or synthetic fiber.


Country or region: England

Message: Hello there, could you give me any advice please on how to dye a pair of synthetic shiny fabric (nylon?) trainer shoes? I have a pair which are a pale green, but would like to dye them a more acceptable grey. They are Clarks brand, so I don't want to ruin them! Hope you can help me, thanks in advance. Kind regards, Julie

Dye is not going to work on your trainer shoes. It's not clear which synthetic fibers your shoes contain (probably more than one), but all of the alternatives (nylon, polyester) can be dyed only by immersing them in a simmering or boiling hot dye bath, which would make the glue that is currently holding the layers of the shoe together come unglued.

Check to see whether the shoes are water-resistant: sprinkle a few drops of water across them. If the water stands up in beads, they are water-resistant, and nothing will be able to stick to them properly. If the water soaks in, though, you might be able to use a good fabric paint, such as Dye-Na-Flow, which is available from a number of suppliers in the UK, including Rainbow Silks and George Weil.

For more information, see this recent post in my All About Hand Dyeing Q&A blog, in answer to someone in Greece who wants to dye some synthetic suede boots:
The answers to her question will apply equally well to your shoes, though finding a good fabric paint may be easier in your country.

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Posted: Thursday - December 16, 2010 at 09:11 AM          

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