How does this artist fuse Jacquard metallics into dyed cottons?

Name: Carmen


Jacquard lumiere colors

Jacquard Lumiere Colors

Super-smooth Jacquard Lumiere can be screened, stamped, stenciled, marbled, or printed, producing one-of-a-kind creations. Colors show up opaque and bright, even on dark backgrounds. Painted fabric becomes washable and dry cleanable when set with a hot iron or dryer, and remains flexible and soft.


Procion mx fiber reactive cold water dye

Procion MX Dye

When mixed with soda ash, Procion dyes are permanent, colorfast, and very washable. You can easily create a palette of brilliant colors ranging from light pastels to deep, vibrant hues.


Country or region: USA

Message: According to "Jeanette's Fabric To Dye For," she fuses Jacquard metallics into dyed cottons. How exactly do you think this is done? She has the most beautiful dyed fabric and does not have classes or info at all on these methods or any of her spectacular techniques.

I can't tell you Jeanette's exact methods, but I can get you started on your own work by telling you what to use for that sort of effect.

Jacquard Products manufactures an excellent line of fabric paint called Lumiere, with 32 different colors. It's a soft, lightweight acrylic fabric paint with a very good concentration of metallic or pearlescent pigment, depending on the color.

The basic method you're talking about would require at least two steps:

First, use Procion MX fiber reactive dyes to dye good PFD cotton or rayon fabric, either by the low water immersion technique or by hand-painting with the dye on soda-soaked fabric. Wash and dry the fabric. You can repeat this dyeing process with similar colors for a more intense effect.

Second, dilute Jacquard Lumiere metallic fabric paint with up to 25% its volume of water (e.g., add one-quarter ounce of water to one ounce of paint ). Try applying it with different techniques, including painting with a brush, sponging it on, or even diluting it by 25% with water and using an airbrush. Try painting on fabric that's been dampened with water. You will get a softer, more diffuse effect when painting on damp fabric than when painting on dry fabric.

For a greater dilution, using too much water can be a problem. Fabric paint that has been diluted more than the manufacturer recommends is more likely to wash off, or to rub off when it is dry. For greater transparency without loss of permanence, use Jacquard's #579 Flowable Extender as a diluent, in addition to adding water in up to 25% of the total volume of paint (including both the metallic paint and the clear extender in your total).

Note that the color of the paint may separate from the metallic if you over-dilute the paint with water. For example, over-diluted metallic copper contains brown paint plus the metallic sparkle. Since at least some of the original color of the dyed fabric will show through the fabric paint, choose your colors carefully so that the color of the fabric paint goes well with the color of the dyed fabric underneath.

After the paint is completely dry, heat set it as recommended by the manufacturer, using a hot iron or a commercial clothes dryer (a home clothes dryer may not get hot enough).

Although you wouldn't want to try to exactly copy another artist's work, Jeanette's beautiful fabrics are an inspiration for finding your own way.

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Posted: Wednesday - October 26, 2011 at 11:39 AM          

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